Topic Index
Abortion, 364
Child, 353
Adoption, 351
Advice centres, 642
Administrative skills, 622
Budgets, 648
Communication skills, 607
Evaluation 661
Fundraising, 652
Accidents (MVA), 591
Appeals, 124
High courts, 118
Magistrate’s courts, 119
Arbitration, 635
Arrest, 138
Asylum, 52
Attorneys, 158
Death, benefits (UIF), 250
Debt counselling, 515
Deductions, 191
Delict, law of, 473
Democracy, 57
Dismissals, 222
Disputes, labour, 219
Divorce, 339
Access, 342
Custody, 348
Maintenance, 343
Domestic violence, 360
Domestic workers, 205
Local, 14, 78, 89
National, 10, 70
Provincial, 13, 76
Guardianship, 348
High Courts, 118
Government strategic plan, 422
Grants, 416
Palliative care, 418
Rape and HIV infection, 357
Rights of workers, 401
Schools, 411
Housing, 429
Buying, 450
Government policy, 443
Public, 450
Renting, 451
Subsidies, 444
Magistrate’s courts, 119
Maintenance courts, 120
Marriage, 333
Maternity benefits, 241
Means test, 160, 306
Medical aid, employees, 256
Micro lending, 516
Motor vehicle accidents, 591
Rape, 357
Refugees, 52
Rental Housing Tribunal, 453
Repossession of goods, 526
Retrenchment, 226
Reviews, 125
Road Accident Fund, 592
Schools, 573
Unemployment insurance, 238
Benefits, 240
Claims, 242
Unfair dismissals, 222
Unfair labour practices, 221
Wage regulating measures, 184
Ward committee, 96
Ward councillor, 97
Wills, 365
Bail, 129
Bargaining council agreements, 196
Basic Conditions of Employment Act,186
Bill of Rights, 21
Electoral system, 61
Employee’s tax, 252, 546
Employment equity, 213
Air Quality Act, 479
Disputes, 481
Laws, 475
Management Act (NEMA), 476
Pollution, 491
Rights, 470
Waste management, 491
Equality courts, 154
Farm workers, 438
Rented property, 456
Ext. of Security of Tenure Act, 437
Family courts, 341
Farm workers
Employment, 203
Evictions, 441
Human Rights Commission (SA), 36
Illegal eviction, 438, 441
Immigration, 46
Immigration permits, 48
National Assembly, 10
National Council of Provinces, 11
National Credit Act, 498
Debt counselling, 501
Reckless lending, 500
Non-profit organisations Act, 652
Notice, 194
Nuisance, Law of, 474
Paralegals, 605
Parental responsibilities
and rights, 349
Parliament, 10
Parole, 134
Partnerships, 537
PAYE, 252
Pension, 254
Police powers, 136
Arrest, 138
Question, 136
Search and seize, 137
Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (PIE), 441
Protection order, 362
Provident Fund, 254
Provinces, 13
Public participation, 62
Public Protector, 34
Tax, income, 554
Third party claims, 593
Trade unions, 236
Traditional authorities, 17
Children’s Act/Amendment Act, 345
CCMA, 230
Charge, 126
Child abuse, 353
Child support/grants, 304
Care dependency grant, 308
Child support grant, 305
Foster care grant, 307
Maintenance, 304
Children’s courts, 121
Citizenship, 41
Civil cases, 146
Civil courts, 146
Civil unions, 333
Climate change, 485
Close corporation, 538
Collective agreements, 195
Commission Gender Equality, 36
Community Police Forum, 144
Company, 539
Fund, 245
Death, 250
Disability, 248
Conditions of employment, 185
Constitution, 5
Constitutional Court, 15
Consumer Protection Act, 503
Consumer Tribunal, 499
Contract of employment, 180
Contracts, 496
Co-operatives, 541
Court structures, 116
Credit bureaus, 501
Criminal case, 126
Criminal courts, 126
Custody, 348
Customary law, 113
Foster care, 356
Laws, 48
Incest, 356
Indecent (sexual) assault, 359
Independent Police
Investigating Directorate, 141
Independent Electoral
Commission, 37
Industrial action, 234
Insurance, 517
Inter-governmental relations, 81
Integrated Development Plan, 103
Interdicts, 156
Juvenile courts, 120
Labour court, 122
Labour Relations Act, 220
Land acquisition/
settlement grant, 435
Land policy, 432
Redistribution, 434
Restitution, 434
Tenure, 436
Land Claims Court, 442
Leave, 192
Legal Aid, 159
Lobbying, 64
Local Government, 89
Budgets, 105
District municipalities, 94
Elections, 94
Metropolitan municipalities, 94
Service delivery, 104
Occupational health and safety, 214
Schools, 573
Admissions, 578
Discipline, 586
Fee-charging, 581
No-fees, 581
Sectoral determination, 197
Sentence, 133
Separation of powers, 7
Sexual Offences Act, 356
Sick leave, 193
Skills Development Act, 257
Registration as an employer, 545
Small business law, 533
SMMEs, 564
Income tax, 554
Provisional tax, 554
Support, 564
SEDA, 564
Small Claims Court, 150
Social grants, 293
Older person’s, 299
Disability, 300
War veterans, 301
Grant-in-Aid, 302
Social Relief of Distress, 310
Means test, 302
Spoliation order, 157
Strikes, 234
Structures of government, 70
Summons, 171
Supreme Court of Appeal, 16, 118
VAT, 557